Why Do Athletes Use Message Guns?
#massage gun

Why Do Athletes Use Message Guns?

WHY DO ATHLETES USE MASSAGE GUNS? “Massage guns can be used as an alternative to a foam roller as a self-myofascial release tool,” says Vinh Pham, a physical therapist and the founder of Myodetox, ...
What is Renpho Athlete Mode? Should You Turn It On?

What is Renpho Athlete Mode? Should You Turn It On?

What is the definition of an Athlete? For the purposes of Athlete Mode for the Renpho Bluetooth Smart Scales, an athlete is defined as someone who consistently works out for approximately 3 times ...
How Does The Renpho Smart Scale Work? How Are They Different From Each Other?

How Does The Renpho Smart Scale Work? How Are They Different From Each Other?

While tracking your weight and integrating that data into your burgeoning collection of activity and workout information, typically you can manually add weight readings to most fitness tracking app...